Gone are the days when most book marketing campaigns can overlook blogs. Today, they reach millions of people and have grown in stature. Audiences are loyal (and feel connected) to bloggers, and when the posts mention or discuss books, they are influential. Some blogs are entirely devoted to books, while others mention titles connected to subjects of interest. At last count, there were more than 600 million blogs on the internet, making it possible to find one on every topic. For marketing purposes, it means a direct route to a book’s target readers. You can also pitch your book to multiple blogs simultaneously.
As writers, authors can also become guest bloggers, contributing posts of interest. Most bloggers will put a footnote at the end of a guest post where you can mention your book. If readers enjoy your post and notice you’ve written a book, many will go online to check it out. With “discoverability,” the name of the game in promoting books, you want to do things to get your title in front of the right audience. If you’re lucky enough that a blogger gives your book a genuine plug in one of their posts, you can expect to sell copies of downloads. As a result, adding blogs to your book marketing program is a wise move.
If you’re going to work with a publicist on a PR campaign for a book, it’s helpful to inquire about their blogger relationships. When someone can open doors, make pitches, and get your book considered, it can speed up the process of getting coverage. Prior knowledge of a blogger and her audience also makes deciding which ones to approach more efficient. The internet has changed the paradigm for many marketers, going from mass to niche media. Blogs like podcasts fit the bill and allow you to zero in on audiences with a keen interest in your book’s topic – and they can become book buyers.
Just like authors, every blogger is unique. Before you make a pitch, it helps to understand their interests, and is even better if you already follow the blog. Everyone responds well to a targeted pitch and likes it when a publicist speaks to their interests. Because PR is a people game, subtle things can add up to significant results. If you make an off-base pitch or one that’s too general, you can fail to win the coverage your book needs. The recipe for success lies in understanding a blogger’s focus and presenting your book as aligned with their interests. When you do, you’ll maximize the promotional value of blogs.
Business Name:- Smith Publicity, Inc.
Address:- 1415 Marlton Pike East Suite 402, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Phone:- 856-489-8654